
American Fragility Could Heal the World

Tribute to John Lennon in Central Park, NYC. Photo by Twenty20

Today, Americans observe the terrorist attack that resulted in the deaths of 2,996 Americans on September 11, 2001. We will read news articles. Politicians will give speeches. Everyone has an opinion and a story. In a very American way of doing things, we’ve even created a marketing term for this tragedy. It’s “9/11.”

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How We Can Help

Virginia, Maryland Say They'll Be A Safe Harbor For Afghan Refugees : NPR
Photo by NPR

The drama unfolding in Afghanistan is a humanitarian crisis and it’s not going to get better. There is little doubt that the execution of the withdrawal after 20 years of war and corruption has been a disaster. Politicians talk about getting our “friends” out. But, even if that’s possible, our “friends” apparently don’t include the tens of thousands of people who aligned themselves with the US in unofficial ways. The families of my refugee friends in Europe have relatives in Kabul who have almost no chance of getting help from the US, even those who worked for US contractors or government agencies. Like so many others, they are in grave danger.

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Sri Lanka’s Flavorful Interior

I love visiting cities, even Colombo, but most have become so “globalized” in the last 30 years, I feel like I learn more about the people and their traditions by getting out of town. So I signed up with G Adventures for a road trip through Sri Lanka’s interior. We set out last week from Colombo to visit some of the country’s most important temples, ancient kingdoms and wild animals.

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13062533_1678324572432578_4992098866604731861_nThis is the story of Sayed and his family, refugees from Afghanistan who arrived in Greece in February 2016.  I met Sayed while I was working in Greece as one of thousands of volunteers supporting refugees from the Middle East and Asia.  Sayed’s story suggests some of the hardships and risks millions of people are taking to escape war and persecution.  Sayed encouraged me to write this so others will understand a little about what people will endure to find safety and freedom.

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