The Burden of Truth

If you’ve been reading my posts for a while or have ever spent more than 15 minutes with me, you probably know I’ve been working on a book. It’s published!

Burden of Truth is the true story about a Black family in rural Louisiana that owns 23 acres of farmland. It’s about how oil companies have allegedly been taking the oil off that land for more than 100 years and giving the royalties to white people and itself. It’s about how these alleged crimes could not have happened or continued without the help of allegedly corrupt government officials. It’s about how the family navigates life in a divided town.

The story is told in the voice of Robby Carrier Bethel, a great-grandmother and the matriarch of the family who owns the land. She is my hero.–HvJiH-S2fxFuvvyzUwAnQ7h3InnKATjkQsbH8VzDpGZw948alhUzkUDkT0WRWKFMJ6qs_qxpI9cI-OPsQdPKij1m7XrvncwhFK3Eg7Jo70uHgtjKrH.TLsRzRNhw-PfKLGL3AmXIKYqE0N5HpKFtFWE9oConEk&qid=1713141519&sr=8-2


  1. Yes Kim, i knew you were working on your book and that’s all I knew.
    Reading the prologue gives an overview of the story. Many similar untold stories are “out there” waiting for a voice, an advocate to tell it. I can’t wait to read it and will order a copy from Amazon this evening.
    On March 12, a month ago I left SMA hurriedly for Honolulu as my ‘hanai’ sister had suffered a serious fall and was in icu, unconscious and not expected to survive. Few there in SMA knew my hasty exit.
    You have been in my thoughts, intending to write and apologize for being out of touch however duties here took precedence over all else.
    Maggie is now in a rehab facility as of Friday. She was discovered by her housekeeper after being unconscious all night in her driveway. She has injuries to the frontal parietal and temporal parts of her brain. No bones were broken.
    Ahe is making great progress with her cognition and speech. Hopefully she will make a full recovery. Her coordination between brain and body is challenging. Progress there is slow but promising.
    I hope to return for a month before coming back here again. Michael will join me both here and there.
    Congratulations on the publication of your book kim. I hope it opens doors for the family you are championing that otherwise have been closed and that finally some justice can be done and proper restitution given them.
    You are doing great work Kim, making positive differences that affect a great many lives.
    Love to you Kim! ❤️❤️❤️, Jim and Michael too!

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Enhorabuena, Kim! Your writing is always such a pleasure to read.  I look forward to opening “Burden of Truth” as soon as humanly possible. Felicidades!!!!

  3. Congratulations on the publication of your novel! 

    I think it’s great.

    It’s great in terms of how you captured Robby’s voice. I think it’s remarkable that you’ve made Robby sound exactly like I imagined Robby to be from what you’ve told me about her, her family and this very disturbing saga. That’s quite a literary achievement!

    It’s great in terms of the step by step way you have of bringing this story of zombie-like never-ending racism (and corporate theft and individual greed) into the sunshine. Our nation’s original sin of slavery and racism flourishes in the darkness. When will it ever end? When will we ever learn? Only after it is subject to the bright cleansing light that only truth can provide.

    And it’s great in terms of the reality of how you conclude the telling of this saga. It’s not all roses and sunshine, that’s for sure. But Robby hasn’t let down the legacy of her family! She (and you and others) are fighting the good fight… getting into good trouble.

    I don’t believe that this saga is over. Not for a minute. Someday we will see full justice served here for Robby and her family… just as someday we see our nation’s original sin washed away. MLK’s words ring true to me.

  4. Happy Birthday Kim!  🎂🥰😻🎊🎉

    Sent from my iPad


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  5. Kim, I am so happy for you that this book is out! I remember our conversation about it so many years ago. You have helped expose the injustices that Robby’s family has suffered–another strike for justice! Good! I’m looking forward to reading the book and hope you will come to Portland to do some readings. I can help with those. We have avid readers here who will appreciate your exposing this important story, I’m sure!

    Warm Abrazos,


    1. Oh how I would love to come to Portland, but we probably won’t get there unless we get a publisher. Thank you for your kind words! I hope to see you when you’re in San Miguel.

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