Cielito Lindo, Mexico

“Cielito Lindo” is that song we all know with the refrain “ay ay ay ay….”  I heard it every night in Guanajuato, as the three part harmony of local singers and happy visitors wafted up the hill to my house in Cerro Del Cuarto. “Cielito lindo” is a term of endearment that will always remind me of my six weeks in Mexico, where I leaned a little Spanish and did a little writing and, most important, met a lot of wonderful people.    

My last couple of weeks there were full of friends and family. Gabe and Alex visited for a week, followed by Rosie from Seattle. We hung out on the hill in Guanajuato….

Gabe and Alex on a walking tour of Guanajuato’s murals.

Neighbor and friend, Pepe, begins a new mural in Cerro del Cuarto while we watch his daily progress

Guanajuato’s Museum of Mummies….they could be your grandparents

We visited charming San Miguel de Allende, an hour south of Guanajuato…..




And spent a couple of days in Mexico City….

Catedral Metropolitana

A modern take on Caravaggio at the National Museum of Art

Luche Libre — hilarious, heroic and totally staged

One of many wonderful papier mache sculptures at the Frida Kahlo Museum…












Rosie at Casa Azul, the remarkable home of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Mexico City has world class restaurants of all kinds

It was hard to say adios to Mexico and the wonderful friends I met there but “yo voy a regresar”.



  1. I toured that area a few years ago and loved it. Thanks for bringing back the memories (including the mummies).

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